Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle
Nedra's Award Winning Golden Eagle

Sunday, January 17, 2021


 Well, I got an invitation to participate in the Art group in our community, Blue Skies of Texas. In addition to that I was given the opportunity to display some of my art in the community art gallery on the 1st floor of the main building. 

I was given 2 spaces & when I received the letter with the space numbers I got Al & I went to find them. The first spot was a nice large size that allowed me to hang a big heavy project I did many years ago. The other space almost floored me.  It was toward the front & you have to go by it to go almost anywhere on that side of the building. It is the busiest part of the gallery & the space is about 10 ft long so I have enough room to hang 12 paintings of varying sizes. 

That weekend we were told to set up & we got all the paintings posted on the wall but I was very unhappy with 4 small paintings & decided I needed to get motivated & create some new I had my marching orders & a week later I finished 4 new paintings but now they have to cure for 3 weeks. I will have these spaces until June & then we get to put in for spots for the next season. This was my first time doing this so I had no idea how it worked but all residents can participate but the art has to be done by the resident. Each person that signs up will have an opportunity to pull a card with a space # & if you aren't there for the event then one of the coordinators will pull a card for you & then mail you the letter with the space numbers that were assigned to you. So I keep that spot until June & I can change the artwork during that time.  Then we start all over again in June. The nice thing is that we can sell our art projects. 

So, now I can relax & do some paintings that I REALLY want to do & start thinking about what to do in June.LOL. The photo on the right is the my space. The paintings I don't like that I will be replacing are the smaller ones on the right on either side of the Framed, rectangular painting.  The 4 paintings below are going to replace the 4 hanging on the wall. These paintings were just finished yesterday & still drying so the colors &over-all design are subject to change as the paint dries & when the varnish is applied. Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions


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